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Good job! As a fan of Hitler, I thought you were going to do a bad job of portraying his work, but portraying it was done accuratley! good job! Also, teh Stalin part was teh funny!


First of all, it should have been longer. Second of all with hockey you should have mentioned that "Although the American teams are superior, it's because they bought all our superior Canadian players" or something like that. Also, that's just the NHL. We're pretty much undefeated in any other league. =D
Also, even if Americans do like beer more than Canadians, our beer is MUCH better.

Pretty good job with the animation, but the syncing was a little off...

Muka3D responds:

This was just a test, to see if this idea is enjoyed by anyone else. I will try designing something longer and more practical for next time. Canadian beer IS better ALWAYS.

Exccerent work!

Down with teh evil monopolistic tyrrany!
Good job with the animation fortelling the futurisitc world depicting the horrors of modern technology....
I can't stand the horrible microsoft and I hope it somhow is put to an end before it's too late...


That wasn't funny at all? I would've maybe laughed if a cop jumped out of the car and beat him. And originally I thought it was going to be a 'Bob the Builder' spoof. Oh well, I guess we can't do any of those now! Arrrgh! Horrible, Gorrible, horrible! My old Animated GIF short 'ROBBER' animated circles around this!

Pretty good.

The animation was pretty good... but some looked a little off, like mwhen they dove at each other.... other than that, Good job.... also, the characters could've looked a little bit better.

Pretty good! Crazy Quebeckers!

Just like how the people used to do it in Quebec until they ran the "Come to Quebec, and bash baby seals over the head" advertisements!

Anyway, good flash, especially for your first!


Good job, but... why did you have so many on NewGrounds? Why didn't you just re submit it? Jeez! Anyway, good job on the animation, except when he was running.... it looked like he had a limp.
And what do you mean 'more episodes'? Do you mean start making episodes? Because that might be kind of swell.... Heh...

Wow! Why? Why did you try to make this good?

What a horrible, Horrible animation! Why did you even try making it a good quality animation? If you make a sequel, use ALL sprites, and sprite backgrounds. Also, I think I totally agree with 'joeneato' so I'm going to quoate what he said. "You're voices suck my left nut.
You sound like a bloody 8 year old.
Your background sucks.
Your kirby, fire hat, ice hat, and plasma hat and the ugly gragon thingy need transparent backgrounds Mr. I-Obviously-just-stole-my-spri tes-from-a-website.
And the stupid in-jokes directed at some idiot named Bob defeat any respect left after the singing map section.
Die. "
Also, your Music choices were horrible. SONIC ADVENTURE 2? Why not The Sims? ARRRG!


That's a disgrace to Nintendo, 'blind'. very much so I'm afraid. Don't go through with this, unless you plan on totally redesigning the characters. BTW, the next time you make a trailer, give away the plot a bit. I have no idea what they are trying to protect it from. A sony playstation building?

I like Cheese.

Age 37, Male


Vancouver Film School


Joined on 7/28/02

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